Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Symptoms of Heart Attack for Women

Heart attack symptoms are often not the same in women as in men. Women affected by heat stroke more than men. Each year, more women die cause of heart disease in the United States than men. About 9000 Women under age of Forty Five have a heart attack. Major of Heart Attack’s symptoms goes unnoticed in women.

A lot of people don’t have any symptom of their first heart attack. It may add tightness or crushing chest pain or discomfort, may be pain in arms, jaw, back and neck. But many times women are experiencing only lightheadedness, shortness of breath or vague pain or dizziness somewhere in arm, upper abdomen or neck. Because of having different coronary arteries women may have variations of heart attack symptoms. Mainly when the arteries in the heart become blocked, it may cause a heart attack and women may have different hear attack symptoms of different coronary arteries. Blockage in women may create in smaller coronary arteries in opposition to the main arteries where blockage many times begins in men.

Role of age for a heart attack

Women tend to develop heart condition and become more inclined to heart attacks about ten years later than men. Since women are usually older when they develop heart condition, they may neglect signs of heart condition and heart attack because they assign the symptoms to something other, perhaps just to aging.

Even when heart attack or heart disease symptoms are realized, women may delay searching medical attention for themselves because they're busy treasuring children, elderly parents who depend on them and spouses. But if treatment delayed it may be make difference between life and death cause of heart attack. Clot busting drug is the treatment for heart attack includes administration. When first symptom of a heart attack this drug have to give within an hour and it will work its best.

What can a woman do for preventing heart attack

This is to encourage women to visit their doctor and become lot of knowledgeable about their blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Lots of women are not doing differently from man when it times to prevent a heart attack. If you're no. are high (blood sugar, cholesterol or blood pressure) you have to exercise to under control and getting them down. So, this means leaving smoking if you smoke, exercising and healthy eating that contains low-fat and that’s rich in vegetables and fruits. Low down you salt it also help.

Some heart attack risk can not be modified: family history and age. You are in a high risk if your primary relative had a heart attack at a young age. Under forty five years old heart stroke is considered as young for women, it may be under fifty five years old.

Go to your emergency room or doctor right now if you have any of the below symptoms:

• Serial of pain, squeezing or burning in the chest, shoulder, jaw, arms or back, continuing up to five to ten mins.
• Unexplained serial of shortness of breath, continuing up to five to ten men.
• Serial of palpitations with dizziness or lightheadedness.

Go to medical if you might be having a heart stroke.

Check your cholesterol level regularly. Take care of your heart through eating right and exercise.

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